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2023 Parliament Breach in India: A Complete Event-by-Event Analysis

The Modi government’s refusal to accept these perfectly legitimate and reasonable demands has led to the adjournment of the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha today morning - Jairam Ramesh (X)
Title image for '2023 Parliament Breach in India: A Complete Event-by-Event Analysis' on The photo shows a disrupted Indian parliament session with people standing and a haze of smoke indicating chaos. Desks with computers are in the foreground, while the public gallery is visible above.

Table Of Contents

Introduction: Contextualizing the 2023 Parliament Breach in India.

December 13, 2023: Unrest and Security Lapse in the Indian Parliament.

Historical Echoes: Reflecting on the 2001 Parliament Attack.

Section 1: Overview of the 2023 Parliament Breach Incident.

Section 2: In-Depth Look at Lalit Jha, the Main Accused.

Section 3: Exploring the Motives Behind the 2023 Parliament Breach.

Section 4: Political Dynamics and Reactions to the Parliament Breach.

Section 5: Analyzing the Timing and Implications of the Breach.

Section 6: Legal Developments in the 2023 Parliament Breach Case.

Section 7: Concluding Overview: Key Takeaways from the 2023 Parliament Breach.


Introduction: Contextualizing the 2023 Parliament Breach in India

In recent months, India has been making significant strides on the global stage, marked by successful events like the G20 summit, groundbreaking achievements in space exploration by ISRO, including the Chandrayaan 3.0 mission and the Aditya-L1 solar mission, and advancements in the Gaganyaan Mission for Mars. These milestones have not only bolstered India's technological prowess but also attracted global investments, enhancing its geopolitical standing.


Title Image of our article on "G20 Summit India 2023" on our website
Title Image of our article on "Aditya-L1: Indian Solar Mission" on our website

Title Image of our article on "Gaganyaan Mission: India's Leap into the Cosmos" on our website

Title Image of our article on "ISRO's Chandrayaan 3.0" on our website


However, this period of achievement has been marred by recent events that have cast a shadow over India's international image. The worsening diplomatic relations between India and Canada have been a cause for concern, reflecting complexities in international diplomacy. This situation has been further exacerbated by the security breach in the Indian Parliament on December 13, 2023, an incident that has raised immediate concerns and evoked memories of a darker day in India's parliamentary history.

December 13, 2023: Unrest and Security Lapse in the Indian Parliament

Amidst this tumultuous political climate, the 2023 Parliament breach, a startling lapse in security, occurred. Key details of the incident include the involvement of several individuals, notably Lalit Jha, who has been identified as a primary suspect. The breach was marked by dramatic scenes, including the use of concealed canisters by the accused, leading to chaos within the Lok Sabha. This event has led to a series of repercussions, including the suspension of opposition MPs and a rigorous investigation by the Delhi Police and the Home Ministry.

Historical Echoes: Reflecting on the 2001 Parliament Attack

Historical photo from the 13th Dec 2001 attack by LeT and JeM, accompanying the article '2023 Parliament Breach in India: A Complete Event-by-Event Analysis' on Sepia-toned image displaying the Indian Parliament building behind trees and security barriers, evoking the memory of the tragic event.

This recent breach inevitably draws parallels with the harrowing attack on the Indian Parliament on December 13, 2001. That attack, carried out by armed assailants linked to the terrorist groups Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM), resulted in multiple casualties and heightened tensions. It was a stark reminder of the vulnerabilities in national security and the ever-present threat of terrorism.

Objective of the Article: Parliament Breach 2023

In this article, we delve into the details of the December 13, 2023, breach, examining its implications for India's national security and its standing on the global stage. Our focus is to provide a comprehensive, unbiased account based on verified sources, ensuring that our readers are well-informed about this critical incident and its aftermath.

Section 1: Overview of the 2023 Parliament Breach Incident

On December 13, 2023, the Indian Parliament experienced a severe security breach, an incident that has since become a focal point of national concern.

Flowchart from '2023 Parliament Breach in India: A Complete Event-by-Event Analysis' on, depicting the sequence of events for the 13th Dec 2023 Indian Parliament breach. It includes actions by Parliament, Security, Home Ministry, Opposition MPs, and Delhi Police, with steps like issuing passes, breaching security, and investigations.

Unraveling the Incident: The Breach Details

The breach was orchestrated by a group of individuals, including two who notably jumped from the visitors' gallery into the Lok Sabha chamber. These individuals, identified as Sagar Sharma and Manoranjan D, had ingeniously carved out cavities in their shoes to conceal yellow smoke canisters, which they subsequently released, causing a state of panic among the Members of Parliament. Concurrently, two others, Amol Shinde and Neelam Devi, were involved in releasing colored gas outside the Parliament premises. All four were swiftly apprehended by security personnel and have been charged under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA).

The Threat Backdrop: Contextualizing Security Concerns

This breach occurred against the backdrop of a chilling threat made by Khalistani terrorist Gurpatwant Singh Pannun. In a video released prior to the incident, Pannun threatened to attack the Indian Parliament, invoking the memory of the 2001 attack and expressing intentions to disrupt the legislative process. This threat put the security agencies on high alert, with increased measures to safeguard the Parliament.

Immediate Fallout: Aftermath of the Breach

In the wake of the breach, the Lok Sabha was adjourned, and a thorough investigation was initiated by the Delhi Police and the Home Ministry. The incident has led to the suspension of fifteen (15) opposition MPs who protested the breach, and eight security personnel have been suspended for negligence. The incident has not only sparked a political debate but also raised serious questions about the effectiveness of the security measures in place at one of the country's most critical institutions.

Investigative Progress: Tracking the Breach Aftermath

As the investigation continues, more details are expected to emerge, shedding light on the motives and the operational failures that led to this breach. The incident has undoubtedly cast a shadow over the Winter Session of the Indian Parliament, which began on 4th December and was scheduled to continue until 22nd December.

Section 2: In-Depth Look at Lalit Jha, the Main Accused

Image showcasing accused individuals from the 13th Dec 2023 Indian Parliament breach incident, featured in '2023 Parliament Breach in India: A Complete Event-by-Event Analysis' on The image includes headshots from news articles, with names and details of the alleged mastermind and accomplices.

In the intricate web of the December 13, 2023, Parliament security breach, one name stands out prominently: Lalit Mohan Jha. Identified as the alleged mastermind of this meticulously planned incident, Jha's actions and motivations are central to understanding the breach's full scope. This section delves into the available public information about Lalit Jha and his role in the incident.

Lalit Jha's Role: Alleged Mastermind of the Breach

Lalit Jha, arrested on December 14th, 2023, after surrendering to the police, is believed to have been the architect of the entire operation. His meticulous planning included orchestrating the roles of other individuals involved and holding a secretive meeting in Gurugram to finalize the plan. To maintain secrecy, he reportedly confiscated the phones of his associates. After the breach, Jha absconded but eventually surrendered to the authorities.

Planning the Breach: Jha's Strategy

During the investigation, Jha revealed that he had prepared Plan A and B for the disruption in Parliament. However, the specifics of these plans have not been disclosed for security reasons. After fleeing to Rajasthan's Kuchaman, Jha attempted to destroy evidence by burning the mobile phones of his associates. This act of destroying evidence indicates a level of premeditation and awareness of the gravity of the breach.

The Accomplices: Roles of Jha's Associates

While the specific names of Jha's associates have not been fully disclosed, four individuals - Manoranjan D, Sagar Sharma, Neelam Azad, and Amol Shinde - were arrested and brought to Patiala House Court by the Delhi Police. These associates played various roles in the execution of the breach, as orchestrated by Jha.

Continuation of the Investigation: Lalit Jha's Case

As the investigation continues, more details about Jha's role and the extent of his network are expected to emerge. The seriousness of the matter is underscored by the ongoing investigations and the charges under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA) that Jha and his associates face.

Section 3: Exploring the Motives Behind the 2023 Parliament Breach

Mind map from '2023 Parliament Breach in India: A Complete Event-by-Event Analysis' on, analyzing the motives behind the 13th Dec 2023 Indian Parliament breach. It features potential reasons like political statement, unemployment, farmers' struggles, violence in Manipur, and security vulnerabilities.

The motivations behind the December 13, 2023, Parliament security breach remain shrouded in ambiguity. While the accused have offered some explanations during interrogation, the full picture is yet to emerge. Here's a brief overview of the known motives:

Understanding the Accused's Intentions

  • Raising Awareness: The arrested individuals claimed their actions were intended to draw attention to pressing issues such as unemployment, farmers' struggles, and violence in Manipur. They hoped to ignite discussions in Parliament through their dramatic act.

  • Political Statement: There is speculation that the breach was a calculated political statement against the current government, possibly reflecting dissatisfaction with its policies.

Investigative Challenges: Uncertainties and Progress

  • External Influence: Authorities are exploring the possibility of external influence, investigating whether the accused were acting under the direction of any organizations or individuals with specific agendas.

  • Verification of Claims: The authenticity of the accused's stated motives is still under scrutiny, with further details expected as the investigation progresses.

Assessing the Current Scenario: Motives and Investigations

  • The official motive behind the breach is not yet confirmed.

  • The explanations provided by the accused are being thoroughly investigated for their accuracy and potential external influences.

  • The incident has ignited a significant political debate and highlighted security vulnerabilities within the Parliament.

Section 4: Political Dynamics and Reactions to the Parliament Breach

“Yesterday's incident is highly shocking. It is the duty of the government to come out with a statement in the Parliament - Congress leader Ramesh Chennithala”.(ET)

The political response to the Parliament security breach has been multifaceted, with various parties expressing their views and concerns.

Opposition Perspective: Responses and Allegations

Image related to '2023 Parliament Breach in India: A Complete Event-by-Event Analysis' on, focusing on BJP MP Pratap Simha's alleged involvement in the breach by sharing passes. The image shows newspaper clippings questioning his role, emphasizing the principle of innocence until proven guilty.

  • Condemnation: The Opposition unanimously condemned the breach, viewing it as a serious security lapse and an attack on democratic institutions.

  • Demand for Action: They have called for action against BJP MP Pratap Simha, alleging his involvement in the breach.

  • Criticism of BJP: The Opposition criticized the BJP's handling of the incident, questioning the effectiveness of security measures.

BJP's Standpoint: Reactions and Counterclaims

  • Condemnation: BJP leaders, including PM Modi and Home Minister Shah, condemned the breach, calling for a thorough investigation.

  • Defense of Security Measures: They defended the Parliament's security apparatus and highlighted the swift response to the incident.

  • Counter-Blame: BJP accused the Opposition of politicizing the incident and alleged links between the breach and opposition groups.

The Demand for an Independent Probe

The Opposition has demanded an independent inquiry to ensure a transparent and unbiased investigation.

Varied Political Interpretations: Analyzing Different Views

While all parties condemn the breach, their focus varies, with some emphasizing security concerns and others the need for an independent investigation.

Section 5: Analyzing the Timing and Implications of the Breach

Collage of news headlines and images from '2023 Parliament Breach in India: A Complete Event-by-Event Analysis' on, analyzing the context of national security speeches and allegations involving TMC. Features include articles on legislative bills, a clock symbolizing timing scrutiny, and reports on TMC MP Mahua Moitra.

The timing of the Parliament security breach on December 13, 2023, has sparked considerable debate, with many questioning its potential connections to concurrent events.

The Breach and National Security Discourse

  • The breach occurred shortly after Home Minister Amit Shah's speech in Parliament, where he emphasized improvements in national security.

  • This juxtaposition has led to speculation about whether the breach was an intentional act to challenge the government's security claims.

Allegations Involving TMC MP: "Cash-to-Query" Allegation

  • Around the same time, TMC MP Mahua Moitra faced allegations of receiving cash for raising questions in Parliament.

  • Some speculate a link between this issue and the breach, suggesting a broader attempt to disrupt parliamentary proceedings.

Debating the Breach's Timing and Intent

  • There are arguments for and against a coordinated effort behind these incidents, with some seeing them as attempts to embarrass the government.

  • However, caution is advised against hastily drawing connections without thorough investigation.

Current State of Investigations: Seeking Clarity

  • Both the breach and the “cash-for-query” allegation are under investigation by the Delhi Police and the Home Ministry.

  • Conclusive connections between the incidents remain uncertain until the investigation provides more clarity.

Section 6: Legal Developments in the 2023 Parliament Breach Case

"We have shown the court the grounds, following which the court gave us 7-day police custody (of the four accused arrested in the Parliament security breach case)” - Public Prosecutor Atul Shrivastava. (ET)

The investigation into the Parliament security breach is advancing with key legal actions:

  • Arrest of the Mastermind: Lalit Mohan Jha, the alleged orchestrator, was apprehended and is facing serious charges.

  • Charges and Custody: Jha and three others are charged under the UAPA and sections of the Indian Penal Code. A Delhi court has granted 7-day police custody for further interrogation.

  • Court Appearance: On December 14, 2023, at 06:02:46 PM IST, the four arrested individuals - Manoranjan D, Sagar Sharma, Neelam Azad, and Amol Shinde - were presented at the Patiala House Court by Delhi Police.

  • Nationwide Investigation: The investigation spans multiple states due to the diverse origins of the accused, necessitating a broader investigative approach.

This is updated as of 15/12/23, pls refer the current news updates as the investigation progresses and more information becomes available.

Section 7: Concluding Overview: Key Takeaways from the 2023 Parliament Breach

  1. December 13, 2023, Security Breach: A significant breach occurred in the Indian Parliament, raising serious national security concerns.

  2. Lalit Jha's Arrest: Lalit Mohan Jha, identified as the alleged mastermind, was apprehended following the breach.

  3. Accused's Motives and Contextualizing the Threat:

  4. Political Reactions: The incident sparked varied responses from political parties, with the Opposition condemning the breach and the BJP defending its security measures.

  5. Suspension of MPs: 15 MPs were suspended for protesting the security breach, highlighting the incident's political ramifications.

  6. Timing and Debate: The breach's timing, close to a national security speech by the Home Minister, raised questions about potential connections to other events.

  7. Legal Proceedings: The accused were charged under the UAPA and presented in court, with ongoing investigations across multiple states.

  8. Allegations Against Pratap Simha: BJP MP Pratap Simha faced allegations of issuing passes to the intruders, raising questions about security protocol and due diligence.

  9. Simha's Response: Denying prior knowledge of the intruders, Simha expressed willingness to cooperate with the investigation and pointed to the responsibility of security personnel.

  10. Ongoing Developments: The situation continues to evolve, with new information emerging as the investigation proceeds.

Call to Action: Engagement and Awareness Post-Breach

As this complex situation unfolds, we encourage our readers to stay informed and engaged. Follow credible news sources for the latest updates and understand the multifaceted nature of this incident. Your awareness and vigilance contribute to the broader discourse on national security and democratic integrity. If you have relevant information, please reach out to the authorities. Together, we can ensure a secure and transparent democratic process.



  1. G20 Summit 2023: India's Leap to Global Leadership - SDBlogNation

  2. ISRO's Aditya-L1 Solar Space Mission - SDBlogNation

  3. ISRO's Chandrayaan 3.0: India's Bold Lunar Adventure in Space - SDBlogNation

  4. ISRO Gaganyaan Mission: Pioneering Crewed Space Journey - SDBlogNation

  5. 2001 Indian Parliament attack - Wikipedia

  6. Parliament attack 2001: Know every detail of the ... - India TV News

  7. In new video, Khalistani terrorist Gurpatwant Singh Pannun threatens to attack Indian Parliament

  8. Parliament Winter Session 2023 LIVE: Security Breach

  9. Parliament security breach: INDIA bloc decides all Opposition MPs should protest, get suspended

  10. Parliament security breach accused created cavities in shoes, hid canisters: FIR

  11. India parliament: Key suspect arrested in security breach case

  12. Mastermind Lalit Jha Reveals Numerous Significant Details During Interrogation

  13. Parliament Security Breach Mastermind Lalit Jha Burned Mobile Phones Of His Associates In Attempt To Destroy Evidence

  14. Parliament Security Breach: Police Grill Lalit Jha's Friend In Kolkata

  15. Fled To Rajasthan And Then...: What Parliament Security Breach Mastermind Lalit Jha Did In Two Days

  16. Parliament security breach: Accused's stated objectives

  17. BBC News coverage of the Parliament breach

  18. NDTV report on the objectives behind the Parliament security breach

  19. Opposition protests in Parliament, demands action against BJP MP Pratap Simha

  20. Congress workers stage protest against BJP MP Pratap Simha

  21. Security breach: Cong stages protest against BJP MP Simha demanding arrest

  22. Hindustan Times article on Pratap Simha

  23. NDTV video coverage

  24. Timeline and details of the Parliament security breach

  25. Mastermind of Parliament security breach surrenders in Delhi

  26. 4 Charged Under Anti-Terror Law in Parliament Breach

  27. Delhi court sends accused Lalit Jha to seven days police custody


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