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India at 50th G7 Summit Apulia, Italy: Why India Matters

"India's regular participation at the G7 Summit highlights the increasing recognition and contribution of India's efforts in addressing global challenges, including peace, security, development, and environmental preservation..." - MEA
Title image for the article "India at 50th G7 Summit Apulia, Italy: Why India Matters" on The image features the dates of the summit, June 13-15, 2024, and the G7 logo with flags of the core G7 members including Canada, France, Germany, Italy (host), Japan, United Kingdom, and United States, along with India's flag prominently displayed, highlighting India's significant participation in the event.

Table Of Contents


Overview of the G7 Summit 2024.

Significance of the G7 Summit and India’s Participation.

The G7 Summit 2024.

Participants and Representatives.

India’s Economic Growth.

Key Geopolitical Events.

Comparative Analysis and India’s Role in Climate Change Discussions.




Overview of the G7 Summit 2024 Apulia

The G7 Summit 2024 is scheduled to take place in the Apulia region of Italy from June 13th to June 15th, marking the 50th iteration of this significant international forum. The G7, comprising the world's most advanced economies, gathers annually to discuss and coordinate on pressing global issues, ranging from economic policies to security concerns. This year's summit will address critical topics including the ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza, economic cooperation with developing countries, and the approval of a US proposal to use frozen Russian assets to fund Ukraine’s reconstruction, potentially raising $50 billion annually.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's attendance is particularly noteworthy as it represents his first international engagement since beginning his third term just four days prior. His participation underscores the increasing importance of India's role on the global stage. During the summit, Modi is expected to hold crucial bilateral meetings with leaders including Italy's Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, further solidifying strategic relations.

Significance of the G7 Summit and India’s Participation

"India’s regular participation at the G7 summits clearly points to increasing acceptance and recognition that India needs to be a part of any and every sustained effort to find solutions to solve global challenges"- Foreign Secretary Vinay Mohan Kwatra

India's participation in the G7 Summit, despite not being a member, highlights the nation's rising influence both economically and geopolitically. This year marks India's 10th invitation to the G7, reflecting its growing recognition as a key player in global affairs. India’s economic prowess, with a GDP of around $3.7 trillion, positions it as the world's 5th largest economy, projected to become the 4th largest by 2025.

India's role at the G7 is multifaceted. It represents not only the interests of an emerging economic powerhouse but also those of the Global South. This dual representation allows India to bring a broader perspective to discussions, advocating for the needs and challenges of developing nations. Moreover, India's regular participation is seen as an endorsement of its significant contributions towards resolving global challenges related to peace, security, development, and environmental sustainability.

Foreign Secretary Vinay Mohan Kwatra aptly summarized India’s growing role: "India’s regular participation at the G7 summits clearly points to increasing acceptance and recognition that India needs to be a part of any and every sustained effort to find solutions to solve global challenges". Similarly, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky emphasized, "Everyone in the world recognises the significance and weight of India’s role in global affairs".

India's presence at the G7 not only enhances its global standing but also influences the direction of global politics, contributing to a more balanced and inclusive international order.

The G7 Summit 2024

Image of G7 members at the Apulia, Italy, featured in the article "India at 50th G7 Summit Apulia, Italy: Why India Matters" on The photo shows key leaders including Charles Michel, Olaf Scholz, Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron, Giorgia Meloni, Joe Biden, Fumio Kishida, Rishi Sunak, and Ursula von der Leyen. This image highlights the prominent figures attending the 50th G7 Summit.

Duration and Location of the Summit

The G7 Summit 2024 is scheduled to take place over a span of three days, from June 13th to June 15th, 2024. This year, the summit is hosted in the picturesque Apulia region of Italy, known for its rich history and cultural heritage. The G7 summits bring together leaders from the world's most advanced economies to discuss and coordinate on pressing global issues, making it a significant event in the international calendar.

The Apulia region, with its strategic location and historical significance, provides a fitting backdrop for discussions that will shape global policies and economic strategies. This summit is particularly notable as it marks the first major international forum hosted by Italy's Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni since taking office in 2022. Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India, attending just four days after beginning his third term, underscores the importance of India's role in these global discussions.

Main Goals of the G7 Summit

The G7, or Group of Seven, is an informal coalition of advanced democracies that meets annually to address and coordinate on global issues. The primary goals of the G7 Summit 2024 include:

  1. Coordinate Global Economic Policy: The G7 was initially formed to provide a venue for noncommunist powers to address pressing economic concerns, such as those arising from the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) oil embargo. This year, the focus will be on navigating the economic challenges posed by global conflicts and economic disruptions.

  2. Address Transnational Issues: The G7 leaders will discuss and coordinate on various transnational issues, including international security, climate change, and the regulation of emerging technologies like artificial intelligence (AI).

  3. Promote Collective Decision-making: The forum's small and relatively homogeneous membership promotes efficient collective decision-making. The G7 strives to present a unified stance on key global issues, setting the tone for broader international cooperation.

  4. Stand for Peace, Security, and Self-determined Life: As a community of values, the G7 stands for peace, security, and the right to a self-determined life worldwide. This year’s summit will place particular emphasis on strategies to ensure global stability and security, including discussions on the conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza.

  5. Promote Freedom and Human Rights: Core principles of the G7 include the promotion of freedom and human rights, democracy, the rule of law, and sustainable development. These values will be at the forefront of the summit's agenda, guiding discussions and decisions.

Despite internal divisions and the rise of alternative institutions like the G20, the G7 continues to play a critical role in global governance. Its ability to address and coordinate on major global challenges remains a cornerstone of international diplomacy.

Participants and Representatives

Key Leaders at the G7 Summit 2024: Core Members and Special Invitees

Infographic image showing the list of G7 members and invitees at the 50th G7 Summit in Apulia, Italy, featured in the article "India at 50th G7 Summit Apulia, Italy: Why India Matters" on The image includes the names and titles of core G7 members such as Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron, Olaf Scholz, Giorgia Meloni, Fumio Kishida, Rishi Sunak, Joe Biden, Ursula von der Leyen, and Charles Michel, as well as invitees like Narendra Modi and Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

India’s Participation in the G7

Infographic showing India's Participation in the G7, featured in the article "India at 50th G7 Summit Apulia, Italy: Why India Matters" on The image outlines the historical context and significance of India's participation, including regular participation, active role in discussions, promoting Global South issues, strategic partnerships, counterbalance to China, increasing recognition, and the link to G20 presidency.

Historical Context of India’s Participation in the G7

India has been participating in the G7 summits as an Outreach Country, making significant contributions over the years. This engagement underscores India's increasing acceptance and recognition on the global stage. Some key historical achievements include:

  1. Regular Participation: India's consistent presence at the G7 summits signifies its growing importance in global affairs. This regular participation highlights the acknowledgment of India's role in addressing global challenges.

  2. Active Role in Discussions: India has played an active role in various global discussions at the G7 summits, contributing to debates on climate change, economic cooperation, and international security.

  3. Promoting Global South Issues: India has been a vocal advocate for the issues of the Global South, bringing these concerns to the forefront during G7 meetings.

  4. Strategic Partnerships: India's strategic partnerships with multiple G7 countries, including the US, UK, France, Germany, and Japan, further underscore its significance in global diplomacy.

  5. Counterbalance to China: In the Indo-Pacific region, India serves as a crucial counterbalance to China's assertiveness, enhancing the strategic dialogue within the G7 framework.

These achievements highlight India's growing influence and the critical role it plays in addressing global challenges at the G7 Summit.

Significance of India’s 10th Participation in the G7 Summit

India's 10th participation in the G7 Summit is a landmark event, showcasing the country's rising global stature. The significance of this participation includes:

  1. Increasing Recognition: India's regular invitations to the G7 summits reflect the increasing recognition of its role in global governance and problem-solving.

  2. Strategic Partnerships: India's engagement with G7 countries strengthens its strategic partnerships, enhancing bilateral and multilateral cooperation.

  3. Counterbalance to China: India's participation serves as a strategic counterbalance to China's growing influence in Asia, reinforcing its role in regional stability.

  4. Voice of the Global South: As Foreign Secretary Vinay Mohan Kwatra noted, "At the G7 summits, we (India) always bring up the issues of the Global South," ensuring that the concerns of developing nations are addressed.

  5. Link to G20 Presidency: India's recent presidency of the G20 adds weight to its participation in the G7, highlighting its leadership role in global economic and political arenas.

These points illustrate the expanding influence of India on the global stage and its crucial role in addressing international challenges.

Quotes from Foreign Secretary Vinay Mohan Kwatra and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky echoed this sentiment, saying, "Everyone in the world recognises the significance and weight of India’s role in global affairs."

Foreign Secretary Vinay Mohan Kwatra emphasized India's growing role in global affairs, stating, "India’s regular participation at the G7 summits clearly points to increasing acceptance and recognition that India needs to be a part of any and every sustained effort to find solutions to solve global challenges."

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky echoed this sentiment, saying, "Everyone in the world recognises the significance and weight of India’s role in global affairs."

These quotes underscore the global recognition of India's importance and its substantial contributions to international diplomacy and problem-solving.

India’s Economic Growth

Deloitte also forecasts GDP growth to be around 6.6% in fiscal 2025 and 6.75% in fiscal 2026.
Infographic showing India's Economic Growth, featured in the article "India at 50th G7 Summit Apulia, Italy: Why India Matters" on The image includes a graph projecting India's GDP growth from 2019 to 2025, highlighting key aspects such as current economic status, recent performance, annual growth, sectoral growth, export contribution, and strategic importance of India's economic rise. The infographic outlines India's path to becoming a major global economy.

India’s Current Economic Status

India's current economic status is robust and promising, positioning it as a significant player on the global stage. Key highlights include:

  • Fifth-Largest Economy: As of 2024, India is the fifth-largest economy in the world by nominal GDP, and it is on track to become the third-largest economy by 2027.

  • GDP Growth: India had a GDP of over USD 3 trillion in 2022, experiencing rapid growth driven by strong domestic demand, a thriving services sector, and a growing middle class.

  • Recent Performance: In the third quarter of FY24, India's GDP registered a growth of 8.4 percent, marking a significant increase compared to the same period in FY23.

  • Annual Growth: According to the Ministry of Finance, real GDP recorded a growth of 7.6 percent in FY24.

  • Sectoral Growth: The construction sector saw double-digit growth fueled by robust demand for residential projects, while the manufacturing and service sectors also showed positive growth.

  • Export Contribution: The share of exports in GDP stood at 22.2 percent in the third quarter, underscoring the importance of international trade to India's economy.

These figures highlight India's dynamic and rapidly growing economy, making it one of the fastest-growing major economies in the world.

Projected Economic Growth by 2025

Looking ahead, India's economic growth is projected to remain strong. Key projections include:

  • Future GDP: India's GDP is expected to grow from $2.7 trillion in 2019 to $5 trillion by 2025, which would make it the third-largest economy globally.

  • Annual Growth Rate: The average annual real growth rate is projected to be around 8%, positioning India just behind China and the United States by 2026.

  • IMF Projections: The International Monetary Fund (IMF) projects a growth rate of 6.5% for both 2024 and 2025.

  • Deloitte's Forecast: Deloitte projects GDP growth for 2024 to be between 7.6% and 7.8%, with slight moderation expected due to uncertainties related to the 2024 general elections and modest consumption growth.

  • Long-term Outlook: Deloitte also forecasts GDP growth to be around 6.6% in fiscal 2025 and 6.75% in fiscal 2026, as markets adjust to geopolitical uncertainties.

These projections indicate that India’s economy will continue its strong growth trajectory, reinforcing its status as a major global economic power.

Strategic Importance of India’s Economic Rise

India's economic rise holds significant strategic importance on the global stage:

  1. Defense Priorities: Economic growth provides a capital base for increased domestic spending on defense priorities, enhancing India’s capability to compete economically and militarily in the region.

  2. Influence in Foreign Capitals: India’s economic rise has strengthened its influence in international relations, making it a key player in foreign capitals.

  3. Counterbalance to China: As one of the largest growing economies with significant military expenditure in the Indo-Pacific, India plays a vital role in US efforts to counter China's influence.

  4. Regional Stability and Security: India's relationships with neighboring countries and its economic strength contribute to regional stability and security.

  5. Economic Gravity: The positive economic momentum of India supports global economic opportunities and values, aiding in the global economic re-emergence.

These points underscore the strategic importance of India's economic growth and its expanding influence on the global stage.

Key Geopolitical Events

Hosting the G20 Summit in India (September 2023)

Infographic depicting India's hosting of the G20 Summit in September 2023, featured in the article "India at 50th G7 Summit Apulia, Italy: Why India Matters" on The image includes a world map highlighting G20 summit attendees, with India marked as the host. It also shows the G20 logo and a graph outlining the summit's key priorities, such as Green Development, Climate Finance, and Inclusive Growth. This visual underscores India's pivotal role in global leadership.

Overview of the G20 Summit in India

  1. Dates of the Summit: The G20 Summit 2023 was held on September 9th and 10th, 2023.

  • This highlights the specific dates when the event took place in New Delhi, India.

  1. Theme of the Summit: The theme for the G20 Summit 2023 was "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam" or "One Earth · One Family · One Future".

  • This theme underscores the interconnectedness of life on Earth and the importance of global unity.

  1. Venue: The summit took place at the Bharat Mandapam International Exhibition-Convention Centre (IECC) in Pragati Maidan, New Delhi.

  • Identifies the specific location where the summit was hosted.

  1. Global Representation: The G20 consists of 19 countries and the European Union.

  • Defines the membership of the G20, which includes major global economies.

  1. Economic Coverage: The G20 represents approximately 80% of the gross world product (GWP), 75% of international trade, two-thirds of the global population, and 60% of the world's land area.

  • Provides quantitative data on the economic and demographic influence of the G20.

  1. India's Presidency: India began its presidency of the G20 on December 1, 2022.

  • Indicates when India took over the leadership of the G20, leading up to the 2023 summit.

  1. Key Attendees: Prominent leaders confirmed for the summit included US President Joe Biden, Chinese Premier Li Qiang, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, and others.

  • Lists key world leaders who attended the summit, signifying its global importance.

  1. Key Priorities: India set seven key priorities for the summit, including Green Development, Climate Finance & LiFE Accelerated, Inclusive & Resilient Growth, and others.

  • Outlines the main focus areas India aimed to address during its presidency.

  1. First-Time Host: This summit marked India's debut as a host for the G20 Summit and the first time the event was held in South Asia.

  • Highlights the significance of India hosting the G20 Summit for the first time.

  1. India's Sherpa: Union Minister Piyush Goyal was designated as India's Sherpa for the G20 Summit.

  • Identifies the key negotiator and representative for India during the summit.

Implications for India’s Global Standing

Hosting the G20 Summit was a significant milestone for India, enhancing its global standing and showcasing its leadership capabilities on the world stage. The event provided a platform for India to highlight its priorities, foster international cooperation, and strengthen strategic partnerships.

The India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC)

Infographic comparing the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC) and the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), featured in the article "India at 50th G7 Summit Apulia, Italy: Why India Matters" on The image includes a world map highlighting the countries participating in IMEC and BRI, along with a pie chart showing the percentage of IMEC vs BRI participating nations. This visual emphasizes the strategic significance and geopolitical impact of both initiatives.

Strategic Importance of IMEC

  1. Signing Date: The formal signing of the IMEC agreement took place on February 14, 2024.

  • This marks the official date when the agreement was signed between the involved nations.

  1. Participating Nations: The IMEC project involves India, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Israel, Greece, Italy, France, and Germany.

  • Highlights the key countries participating in this transcontinental trade initiative.

  1. Main Corridors: IMEC envisions two main corridors: an east corridor from India to the Arabian Gulf and a northern corridor from the Arabian Gulf to Europe.

  • Describes the planned routes that will connect various regions under this agreement.

  1. Infrastructure Components: The project includes pipelines for electricity and hydrogen, as well as railways.

  • Specifies the types of infrastructure that will be developed to enhance connectivity and trade.

  1. Economic Impact on India: The IMEC agreement is expected to create around 10 lakh (1 million) jobs in India.

  • Indicates the anticipated job creation and its economic impact on the Indian economy.

  1. Duty Reductions: The UAE will eliminate duties on significant portions of Indian exports, benefiting 90% of India's exports by value.

  • Highlights the trade benefits and duty reductions that will enhance India's export potential.

  1. Strategic Challenge to BRI: The IMEC agreement is seen as a potential challenge to China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

  • Points out the strategic significance of IMEC in countering China's global trade influence.

  1. Digital Trade: The agreement introduces a chapter on digital trade to foster cooperation and harmonization of digital standards.

  • Emphasizes the focus on digital trade and its importance in modern economic agreements.

  1. Energy Security: The development of energy grids and hydrogen pipelines under IMEC aims to diversify and secure energy supply routes.

  • Describes the project's contribution to enhancing energy security in the involved regions.

  1. Infrastructure Investments: The agreement includes substantial investments in ports, railways, and high-speed data cables, particularly on India's western coast.

  • Details the planned infrastructure developments that will improve connectivity and boost regional trade.

IMEC vs China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)

The IMEC is strategically positioned as a counter to China’s BRI, offering an alternative trade route that enhances connectivity between India, the Middle East, and Europe. This initiative underscores India’s growing strategic importance and its efforts to bolster economic ties across regions.


Mid-Article CTA: Link to Detailed Articles on

Explore More: For an in-depth understanding of these pivotal geopolitical events, read our detailed articles on:

Title image for the article "G20 Summit 2023: India's Leap to Global Leadership" on The image features the G20 Summit logo with the theme "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam" (One Earth · One Family · One Future), flags of the participating countries, and an illustration of children holding hands around a globe, symbolizing global unity and cooperation. This image is used as a mid-article CTA within the article "India at 50th G7 Summit Apulia, Italy: Why India Matters."

Title image for the article "The India-UAE IMEC Agreement: Economic and Strategic Impact" on The image features a map of the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC) highlighting the trade route and member states, including India, United States, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, European Union, France, Germany, and Italy. This visual is used as a mid-article CTA within the article "India at 50th G7 Summit Apulia, Italy: Why India Matters."

Comparative Analysis and India’s Role in Climate Change Discussions

Differences Between G7 and G20

Infographic comparing the G7 and G20, featured in the article "India at 50th G7 Summit Apulia, Italy: Why India Matters" on The image includes a world map highlighting the member countries of both groups, with G7 members in blue and G20 members in green. It also features images of the G7 and G20 flags. This visual emphasizes the differences in membership and global influence between the two organizations.

The G7 and G20 are both crucial international forums, yet they differ significantly in terms of membership, focus, and objectives:


  • Membership: Comprises seven advanced economies: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

  • Focus: Primarily political in nature, addressing global political issues alongside economic policies.

  • Homogeneity: Members are all wealthy democracies, creating a relatively homogeneous and intimate group.

  • History: Has been meeting for decades, fostering long-standing relationships and cooperation among member countries.


  • Membership: Includes 19 countries plus the European Union, representing both advanced and emerging economies. Members are Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, the United Kingdom, the United States, and the European Union.

  • Focus: Primarily economic, addressing global economic issues and crises.

  • Diversity: Represents a diverse group of the world’s major economies, reflecting the emerging multipolar world order.

  • History: Founded in 1999, the G20 has met annually since 2008 in response to global economic challenges.

In summary, the G7 focuses on political and economic issues among a smaller, more homogenous group of advanced economies, while the G20 addresses economic issues among a larger, more diverse group of major global economies.

India’s Roles and Influences in Both Groups


  • Strategic Partnerships: India’s engagement with G7 countries enhances its strategic partnerships, reinforcing its role in global governance.

  • Political Influence: By participating in G7 discussions, India contributes to the global political dialogue, emphasizing issues pertinent to the Global South.

  • Economic Contributions: As one of the world’s fastest-growing major economies, India’s participation in the G7 highlights its economic significance and influence.


  • Economic Leadership: India plays a crucial role in the G20, contributing to global economic policies and crisis management.

  • Diverse Representation: India represents the interests of developing countries, advocating for more inclusive and equitable global economic policies.

  • Initiatives and Innovations: India leads initiatives like the International Solar Alliance, promoting sustainable development and green energy.

These roles underscore India’s influence in shaping both political and economic policies on the global stage.

India’s Participation in Global Climate Change Forums

Infographic detailing India's Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) for climate action, featured in the article "India at 50th G7 Summit Apulia, Italy: Why India Matters" on The image outlines key points such as reduction in emissions intensity, renewable energy capacity, creation of additional carbon sinks, adaptation and resilience, mobilization of funds, technology transfer, sustainable lifestyles, Panchamrit Declaration, and comprehensive climate action framework.

India has been actively participating in global climate change discussions, significantly influencing international climate policies:

  1. Balancing Economic Development and Climate Policy: India prioritizes economic development while advocating for equity and Common but Differentiated Responsibilities in global climate negotiations.

  2. Driving Global Action: India promotes green energy and uses indigenous technology to optimize resources, reducing carbon emissions.

  3. National Hydrogen Mission: Initiated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, this mission aims to develop hydrogen as a key clean energy source.

  4. International Solar Alliance (ISA): Co-founded by India and France, the ISA promotes solar energy globally, focusing on energy access and transition.

  5. Net-Zero Emissions Pledge: At COP26, India pledged to achieve net-zero emissions by 2070, a significant commitment to global climate goals.

  6. Updated Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC): India’s enhanced climate targets reflect its COP26 commitments, aiming for more ambitious climate actions.

  7. Role in UNFCCC and KP: India played a pivotal role in establishing the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol, shaping the international climate regime.

Contributions and Impact of India’s Climate Policies

India’s climate policies have made substantial contributions to global climate efforts:

  1. Economic and Environmental Balance: By balancing economic growth with environmental sustainability, India sets a model for other developing nations.

  2. Innovative Solutions: India’s emphasis on green energy and technological innovation contributes to global efforts to combat climate change.

  3. Leadership in Renewable Energy: Through initiatives like the ISA, India leads the global transition to renewable energy, promoting sustainable development.

India’s participation in climate change forums and its proactive policies underscore its commitment to global environmental sustainability, reinforcing its role as a key player in international climate discussions.


Summary of India’s Growing Influence

India's global influence has significantly increased, highlighted by hosting the G20 Summit in 2023 and spearheading the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC). These initiatives showcase India’s leadership in global economic and diplomatic arenas. India's active role in climate change discussions and initiatives like the International Solar Alliance further demonstrate its commitment to global environmental sustainability.

Impact of Effective Foreign Policies under Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar

Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar's strategic and proactive diplomacy has been pivotal in enhancing India’s international standing. His focus on strengthening bilateral and multilateral relationships has been crucial for India's successes in hosting the G20 Summit and signing the IMEC agreement. Minister Jaishankar has also driven India’s participation in global climate forums, establishing initiatives like the National Hydrogen Mission and the ISA, positioning India as a leader in sustainable development.

Key achievements under his leadership include:

  • Strengthening Strategic Partnerships: By reinforcing relationships with major economies such as the US, UK, France, Germany, and Japan, India has cemented its position as a key global player.

  • Promoting Multilateralism: Jaishankar has championed India's role in multilateral platforms like the G20 and the International Solar Alliance, promoting global cooperation on pressing issues like climate change and sustainable development.

  • Balancing Geopolitical Interests: Through a balanced foreign policy approach, India has managed to navigate complex geopolitical landscapes, maintaining strategic autonomy while engaging with diverse global powers.

The cumulative impact of these efforts is a more resilient and influential India, capable of shaping global agendas and contributing to international peace and stability. As the world recognizes India's growing significance, the foundation laid by Jaishankar's foreign policies will continue to drive the country towards greater achievements on the global stage.



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